Welsh Rarebit Ingredients

Trefaldwyn Blue Welsh Rarebit

I don’t think it is possible to come up with a more Welsh recipe than this Trefaldwyn Blue Welsh Rarebit, we use homemade Bara Brith as the base, the sweetness, spices and dried fruits add the flavours of a traditional fruit chutney, we put this together with our fantastic local beer from Monty’s Brewery to create this awesome, rich tasting Rarebit.


50g flour

50g Salted Welsh Butter

200ml Real Ale Beer, Monty’s Masquerade is perfect

125g Good Strong Welsh Cheddar

100g Trefaldwyn Blue

2tsp Mustard Powder, mixed with a little of the Monty’s beer

50g Plain Yoghurt

2tbsp Worcestershire Sauce

1 Egg Yolk

2tbsp Welsh Onion Marmalade or Red Onion Chutney

4 Thick Slices of your favourite bread, Bara Brith, Sourdough, or Seeded Batch are our favourites


Place the butter in a saucepan and place on a medium heat until melted and bubbling. Add the plain flour and mix thoroughly.

Keep on the heat for a further two minutes while stirring continuously to allow it to cook

Take off the heat and add the beer a bit at a time while whisking, this should form a smooth paste.

Grate the cheddar and add to the mix.

Remove most of the rind from the Trefaldwyn Blue and chop into pieces, add to the saucepan

Melting Blue Cheese.JPG

Place the saucepan back on the heat and stir until fully combined and melted.

Once combined remove from the heat, mix in the yoghurt, Worcestershire Sauce and the mustard mix and leave for 10 minutes to cool a little. In the mean time put the grill onto full and toast the underside of the bread.

Rarebit Mix.JPG

Whisk in the egg yolk and continue to whisk until the mix forms a smooth paste.

Welsh Rarebit Whisk.JPG

Spread the Welsh Onion Marmalade over the top of the toast and divide the mixture between the pieces.

Spread the Rarebit

Place under a hot grill until the cheese mixture is starting to brown and is bubbling. Take it out and Serve!

Bubbling Rarebit.JPG