Trefaldwyn Blue and Welsh Onion Marmalade Pizza
We love making pizza at home, in the summer we make them in the garden in an Ooni Pizza oven (worth a look for a brilliant affordable way to cook pizza al-fresco) , in the winter set the oven to the highest temperature and it is till very very good!
Pizza Base:
500g Strong flour (preferably “00” grade, but not sure you will taste the difference)
1 tsp dried fast acting yeast
300g water
1 tbsp olive oil
Even better, use the smart phone app called “PizzApp”, click here for iPhone or click here for Android. This is a great App, it allows you to adjust the rise time (slower is more tasty) and the quantity.
Tomato Sauce:
Tin of tomatoes
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1 tsp salt
1tsp sugar
Black Pepper
Trefaldwyn Blue Cheese
Grated Mozzarella
Welsh Onion Marmalade
Dried Oregano
Make the dough however you prefer. Cut the dough into five portions for the given quantities and allow to prove. I use a bread maker when I am in a hurry, the Kenwood when I have got time, or by hand.
For the tomato sauce, mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl.
To form the pizza base, watch a YouTube video like this one. Alternatively, resort to the rolling pin! it will still be better than any frozen pizza for sure, and better than 90% of restaurant pizza.
Once you have the base, spread the tomato sauce over the base, close to the edges, Add a light sprinkling of grated mozzarella, and then place dollops of the Onion Marmalade and Trefaldwyn Blue randomly across the pizza to taste. Sprinkle over some oregano and place in the hottest oven you can find.
When cooked enjoy!