Leftover Chicken and Trefaldwyn Blue Herb Salad
This a great way to use up leftover chicken from a Sunday dinner and lots of other larder ingredients to create a delicious yet healthy Monday evening meal, the only ingredient you may need to buy specially is a bag of Rocket. The balsamic, mustard and honey dressing is a firm family favourite in our house and a standard addition to most salads.
Leftover Chicken
50g to 100g of Trefaldwyn Blue
A bag of rocket leaves
Salad items such as tomatoes, cucumber, radishes, chopped as desired
Fresh herbs such as Basil, Coriander or Parsley (I always seem to have at least one left over potted herb dying slowly on my kitchen windowsill)
For the Dressing:
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Whole grain mustard
Dash of lemon
Salt and pepper
Around two slices of left over bread cut into 1cm cubes
Two tablespoons of olive oil
Salt and pepper
1tsp of smoked paprika
For the croutons, place the bread in a mixing bowl, sprinkle the smoked paprika, salt and pepper over the bread and mix to distribute. Add the olive oil and stir again so that the bread is lightly coated. Turn out on to a baking sheet and place in a 150 DegC oven until golden brown, around 20 mins. Allow to cool.
To make the dressing find a small glass and use the approximate proportions shown below.
To complete the dressing, add a generous teaspoon of whole grain mustard, a dash of lemon juice and season generously with salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly, an additional optional ingredient is soy sauce which adds a greater depth of flavour to this amazing dressing.
Build the salad in layers: Place the rocket in a shallow serving bowl, add the fresh herbs and the dressing to your taste and mix to lightly coat the leaves.
Add Tomatoes and other salad ingredients.
Shred the chicken with two forks and place on top.
Break up the Trefaldwyn blue cheese and distribute evenly over the top of the salad, followed by the cooled croutons.
Serve and enjoy!